Change a Life
Your contribution matters
Your gift helps us end violence by reducing shootings and homicides in Uncornered cities.
Your generosity directly supports Core Influencers, who are at the heart of ending violence and creating more peaceful cities. Thank you for helping us transform lives and communities.
Ways to give
The fastest, easiest way to make a contribution is here online using the form on your left and selecting the Designation of your choice.
Uncornered is also grateful for donations that can be made by mailing a check, by recommendation through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or other charitable entity, by ACH or wire transfer, or through a stock/securities donation.
Kansas City
KC Uncornered
300 E 39th St
Kansas City, MO 64111
Boston, Providence, and Other New England Cities
Uncornered, Inc.
218 Adams StreetPO Box 220605Dorchester MA 02122
Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
Kansas City
Tax ID/EIN 86-1382778
Core Influencer Institute, Inc. dba KC Uncornered
Address: 300 E 39th St. Kansas City, MO 64111
Boston, Providence, and Other New England Cities
Tax ID/EIN 04-2383512
Uncornered, Inc.
Address: 222 Bowdoin Street, Dorchester, MA 02122
ACH/Wire Transfer or Stock Donation
Uncornered accepts transfers of securities, mutual funds, and by wire. If you wish to use these payment methods, please email Jack Wu at for transfer instructions.
Jack Wu, Chief Financial Officer
Phone: 617.894.0436
Employer Matching Gifts
Double your donation! If your company has a matching gift program, you can unlock this benefit by submitting the forms through your company.
Other Ways To Give
Give by check or phone
Make checks payable to “Uncornered Inc.”
218 Adams Street
PO Box 220605
Dorchester MA 02122
Jack Wu
Phone: 617.420.4517
Wire Transfer or Stock Donation
Uncornered can accept direct wire transfers or donations of stocks/securities.
For instructions contact:
Jack Wu
Phone: 617.420.4517
A gift or grant through your donor advised fund
Uncornered’s 501C3 ID is 04-2383512
Click here to reccommend a gift through DAF Direct
For more info contact:
Jack Wu
Phone: 617.420.4517